About Me…

Hi! I am Crystal Morris

I'm thrilled to welcome you to my corner of the digital world where I offer a variety of Healing & Medicine offerings: including Psychedelic Medicine Journeys, Tantric Somatic Massage, KALI (Kundalini Activation Light Integration) & Spiral Emotional Clearing,

Who Am I?

I’m one of the most Boujee and Balanced “Spiritual” people you may ever meet. I don’t believe becoming Spiritual means you adapt the “healer wound” and quit your job (although that does happen). My role is to facilitate a space for your healing, growth and expansion - to open you up to the possibilities of what your soul intended for your life.  With a background in Corporate America, I jumped out of the spiritual closet in 2020, honing my skills to help individuals like you on their healing journeys. This has included such modalities as: Breathwork, Usui and Holy Fire Reiki Master, Akashic Records, Gene Keys and Human Design and Chinese Energy Medicine. 

A Corporate Dropout with Purpose

For over a decade, I worked for some of the world's top tech companies. I was a corporate warrior, dedicating my life to the hustle and grind. However, it came at a cost – I became burnt out, exhausted, and numb. Thankfully, in 2020, my first Psychedelic experience brought me a moment of clarity that led me to proudly & promptly drop the corporate facade, retire and seek my soul’s path, one filled with love, purpose and meaning.

A Personal Healing Journey

My own healing journey brought me to the modalities that I now use to help others. There was a time when I tirelessly tried to "heal" myself, but eventually, I realized that true transformation comes when we can hold space for others' healing. This shift in perspective has been profound and has deepened my commitment to guide and support those on their healing journeys.

A Supportive and Loving Presence

One of my greatest strengths is my ability to hold space with unwavering presence, support and love. Whether you're a man, woman or non binary on the path of transformation, I'm here to walk beside you, providing a safe and nurturing environment for your journey.

Expertise and Certifications

I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my work. I am a Certified KALI (Kundalini Activation Light Integration) Facilitator, Bodyworker, a Spiral and Emotional Clearing Facilitator, and proudly embrace the role of a Medicine Woman.  

As a Medicine Woman, I work with Plant and Synthetic Medicines for Small Sacred Ceremonies. Inducted into the Order of the Sphinx as a Guardian of the Queen of Leaves - Jurema (a form of NN DMT) .  

As a naturally skilled bodyworker - I create a transformative somatic and healing experience through body dearmoring and the release and reprogramming of sexual energy- reconnecting the heart to one’s root chakra. 

A Mission to Open Hearts and Souls

I was inspired to create this website with a singular mission - to help others open and heal their hearts, to connect with their soul's purpose, and to embrace the boundless possibilities of a beautiful life. In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, I believe that each of us carries the innate power to heal and transform our lives.

Each client's journey is unique - and what I offer is a curated, customized, profound and transformative experience for those on their healing journey. I love working 1 on 1, with couples or with small groups. I also offer couples massage sessions with my beloved partner. 

Join Me on This Journey

As you explore IamCrystalMorris.com, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey with me. Discover the power of KALI, experience the profound effects of Spiral Clearing,  curate a Medicine Journey to unlock your inner potential, or experience Tantric Healing massage to reprogram your body and heart. Together, we can co-create a path towards holistic healing and vibrant energy.

Thank you for visiting my website. I'm excited to connect with you and support you on your healing journey. Feel free to reach out, share your thoughts, and let's embark on this transformative adventure together!

All my love,


Training & Certifications

  • Master Coach Psychedelic Integration

    Order of the Sphinx- Guardian of Jurema - Queen of Leaves

  • KALI (Kundalini Activation Light Integration) Facilitator

    Certified in Spiral and Emotional Clearing (NLP, Kinesiology, Chakra System)

    Chinese Energy Medicine - Psychic Surgery

    Certified in Jikiden Reiki - Shoden and Okuden

    Holy Fire II Reiki III & Usui Holy Fire II Reiki Master

    Energy Medicine Professional Association Member

  • 1:1 with Private Clients

    Couples Session Work with my skillful Tantric partner

    Dearmoring & Trauma Release Work

    Energetic Reconnection of Root to Heart Chakra

  • Certified in Conscious Connected Breathwork

    International Breathwork Foundation Member

  • NLP

    Akashic Record Reader

    Certified in Human Design and Gene Keys